Tuesday, 18 January 2011

set up 100 Facebook accounts (in 15 minutes?)

Jeremy Levitan is offering a massive £105.00 to Mturkers who set up 100 separate Yahoo! e-mail addresses, using them to open Facebook accounts, then 'like' boardreviews.com

$105.00 is a lot of money, and you could probably complete this HIT in a few hours if you really wanted to. The problem is however, that Jeremy is only giving 15 minutes for Mturkers to complete the task.

Maybe this is a mistake? Or maybe Mturkers who've not paid any attention to the duration of the task will spend ages setting up account after account and 'liking' his page, before going to submit the HIT and realising that they've ran out of time and have had the HIT rejected? Which of course means Jeremy Levitan doesn't have to pay them any money?

UPDATE! Had the following reply in the comments:

"I am the owner of BoardReviews and I did not add this to MTurk or ask for this. A friend of mine just sent me the link and I have no clue why someone would buy fans for my site."

Click on the images to see in full size

Note all the new picture-less Facebook accounts on the 'like' list, wonder how many got their hundred bucks?


  1. I am the owner of BoardReviews and I did not add this to MTurk or ask for this. A friend of mine just sent me the link and I have no clue why someone would buy fans for my site.

  2. I remember seeing that HIT, and was going to blog about it too, but by the time I took a screenshot the HIT was gone. I figured it had been reported by a lot of other people besides me.

    I think it's a bit creepy that someone would put up a HIT for a site that doesn't even belong to them. I wonder what that was all about.

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